

A message from Margherita Vizio, CEO of XMed – Mirandola (MO)


Since its foundation, the mission of XMed – the biomedical company that I am managing together with my husband Carlo Alberto Bosi – is to prevent hospital infections. Since 2001, we achieved many interesting results, first of all the creation of some products lines which are really useful for this purpose. But we believe that this is only a part in the solution to this problem. In fact, we tend towards a higher vision of healthcare safety, to be reached thanks to our work and that of all those people who are directly involved in this field – doctors and health professionals, on one hand, and patients, on the other. In aiming at this, we can no longer limit ourselves to supply products which are suitable for this purpose and sustainable, both economically and from an environmental point of view. We must go further and propose everyone to make a further effort together: helping each other to understand how it is possible to work together and spread an innovative mentality, more attentive to prevention, and therefore more effective.

In addition to what I have already personally done in recent years, through sharing these skills with institutions and health facilities, and that I continue doing on every other useful occasion, it is time to open the topic of hospital infection prevention also to social media. We want to make this subject accessible to everyone, with simple and easy to assimilate concepts, so that everyone, in their own role, can all contribute to prevention.

Let social media help us in this goal: these are innovative information channels, more and more belonging to daily life, that – within a massive flow of news and posts – can also stimulate the need to learn something new, to be applied in a practical and safe way. XMed gladly accepts this challenge to complete the purpose of their social responsibility: higher safety in healthcare.