Healthcare-associated infections are an existing and alarming problem. Healthcare Institutions, worldwide, are not hiding the issue and are even committing themselves to promote a zero tolerance program so that a high standard of hygiene and safety is guaranteed.

With regard to infections in case of endoscopy – Xmed specific field of interest – professionals are required to take control over the risk of infections transmission, properly cleaning their instruments after use.

The case of bacteria found in the Endoscopic Centre of Cisanello (Pisa – Italy) in August 2018, reminds us that there is a lot to do. That case concerned patients infected by Gram-negative bacteria on instruments and endoscope-washing machines.

Ensuring sterilised work tools and stations is not easy for healthcare professionals: that is evident. Reasons of cost and productivity weigh on them. Moreover, in Italy, thanks to the Gelli-Bianco reform about medical responsibility, a doctor involved in a case of hospital-acquired-infection has firsthand to prove – from the point of view of civil law – the correct fulfillment of the procedure.

Research and development of methods reducing the possibility of acquiring infections is mandatory. Safer healthcare is what we will benefit from. XMed is strongly engaged in the task, also by engaging patients into promoting a prevention culture.

To learn more about solutions proposed by XMed, procede to the website Products section.

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